After the fireworks, don’t forget RICE on the 4th of July

Happy birthday America!
After a joyous day full of food, folks and fun, don’t forget to take care of your body before heading back to work tomorrow. The heat of the day and the many activities we love to do can take its toll. Take a moment to kick up your feet and add some RICE!
R – Rest. Sit down, unwind, take a deep breath and let your body heal.
I – Ice. If you over did it in the pool or badminton court, grab a back of ice and apply to that achy body part to help reduce pain and inflammation.
C – Compression. Along with ice, compression, using a sleeve or compression socks, can help reduce inflammation in distal body parts such as ankles and calves.
E – Elevation. Get those feet up and above your heart and you will further help with reducing inflammation and pain.